EDUC 042. Teaching Diverse Young Learners

Why do children play? What is the role of culture in child development? What does it mean to learn?
This course explores the ways in which children play, develop, and construct meaning in their personal, communal, and academic lives. Students will survey learning theories and optimal learning environments for diverse young learners, including: English Language Learners; racially, ethnically and socioeconomically diverse populations; culturally non-mainstream students; gender expansive students; students with learning differences and disabilities; and students with socioemotional classifications. Students in this course engage in weekly hands-on fieldwork, supporting and leading lessons in preschool, primary, and middle grade classrooms. This course is required for elementary certification.
Social sciences.
Writing course.
1 credit.
Spring 2024. Bradley.
Spring 2025. Bradley.
Spring 2026. Bradley.
Catalog chapter: Educational Studies  
Department website:

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