PHIL 011. Moral Philosophy

'What should I do?' This question is as old as philosophy itself. Just as it is one of the oldest and most complex philosophical puzzles, it also frequently occupies the minds of individuals in their day-to-day lives. In this course, we will focus on both ways of approaching this question. From the philosophical direction, we will discuss how philosophers from both the eastern and western traditions have attempted to understand and describe our moral lives. From the practical direction, we will ask ourselves what it means to ascribe to these moral theories and how we might be able to actually live them.
PEAC eligible only when taught by PHIL instructor K. Thomason. Eligible with arranged assignment and by obtaining instructor and program coordinator written approval before drop/add period ends.
PHIL distribution - V
Prerequisite: First- and second-year students must complete one introductory level PHIL course before enrolling in this course.
Writing course.
1 credit.
Eligible for PEAC only when taught by PHIL instructor K. Thomason.
Fall 2023. Thomason.
Fall 2025. Thomason.
Catalog chapter: Philosophy  
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