PSYC 110. Research Practicum in Cognitive Neuroscience

Students conduct research projects in small groups in collaboration with the instructor. Projects include designing, implementing, analyzing, and reporting on an experiment. Topics are negotiated during the semester and are focused on the analysis of human neuroimaging data and concept or language representations. All students meet together for a weekly discussion and tutorial session; additional meeting times are scheduled for project work. Familiarity with computer scripting languages (Matlab, Python, R) is helpful but not required (will be introduced in the course).

When taken in senior year, the course fulfills the comprehensive requirement in psychology.
This course may not be taken as pass/fail.
Prerequisite: PSYC 001  , PSYC 025  : Research Design and Analysis, and either PSYC 032/132  Perception, PSYC 033   Cognitive Psychology, or PSYC 031   Cognitive Neuroscience, and permission of the instructor.
Social Sciences.
1 credit.
Spring 2023. Zinszer.
Catalog chapter: Psychology  
Department website:

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