PSYC 139. Seminar in Cognitive Development

How do children come to understand themselves and other people? This seminar explores identity and social cognition in early childhood. Topics include self-awareness, gender identity, and the emotional self, as well as children's perception and understanding of gender, race, morality, and other social constructs in others. We will examine these topics with the goals of understanding (a) the development of young children's identity and social thinking, (b) the role of socialization in this development, and (c) the implications of children's social cognition for their participation in the social world.
This course may not be taken as pass/fail. 
Prerequisite: PSYC 001  and PSYC 039. Developmental Psychology  or permission of the instructor.
Social sciences.
1 credit.
Eligible for COGS, ESCH.
Spring 2023. Baird.
Spring 2024. Staff.
Catalog chapter: Psychology  
Department website:

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