College Bulletin 2024-2025 
    Mar 30, 2025  
College Bulletin 2024-2025

ARTT 059B. Sculpture III: Advanced Sculpture

This upper-level studio course will focus on the development of advanced techniques, independent concepts, and the ability to frame studio work within the vast landscape of contemporary sculptural production. Sculpture III will structure and scaffold students’ transition from assignment-based making to an independently motivated sculpture practice. Students will learn how to conduct their own creative and material research. The class will begin with weekly exercises and research to develop ideas, building towards a long-term, independent project in sculpture. Class critiques will be critical to the development of students’ trajectories and growth over the course of the semester.  Demos offered will be based on students’ interests, but could include joinery, wood bending, CNC, welding, and mold-making techniques more advanced than the technical skills offered at the Sculpture I and Sculpture II levels.
Arts and Humanities.
1 credit.
Spring 2025. Udell.
Spring 2027. Joyner.
Catalog chapter: Art  
Department website:

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