College Bulletin 2024-2025 
    Mar 29, 2025  
College Bulletin 2024-2025

MUSI 045. Critical Mass Medieval-Renaissance Vocal Chamber Ensemble

Our newest ensemble, Critical Mass, is a mixed-voice, smaller scale (“chamber”) ensemble of select singers. Our music making focuses on 500 years of choral music from the twelfth to seventeenth centuries (think chant to Monteverdi). Our process is highly collaborative and members will sing their voice part with 1 or 2 other singers.
0.0 or 0.5 credit.
Eligible for MDST.
Fall 2024. Blasina.
Spring 2025. Blasina.
Fall 2025. Staff.
Spring 2026. Staff.
Fall 2026. Blasina.
Spring 2027. Blasina.
Catalog chapter: Music  
Department website: Music

Access the class schedule to search for sections.