College Bulletin 2024-2025
PSYC 032. Perception Perception is fundamental to both cognition and action. How does perception work? This course covers a variety of scientific theories of perception including biological analyses of comparative functional anatomy of sensory systems and the informational “ecology” in which they have evolved, as well as functionalist information processing theories including computational, statistical and inferential approaches. An integrated series of laboratories and demonstrations provides students with experience testing theories of perception empirically. This course counts as a core course in Psychology and, with PSYC 132 as an honors preparation in Psychology, Cognitive Science and in Neuroscience.
Prerequisite: PSYC 001. Introduction to Psychology and PSYC 025. Research Design and Analysis, or COGS 001. Introduction to Cognitive Science, or permission of instructor.
Corequisite: PSYC 132. Perception Seminar along with one laboratory period weekly.
Prerequisite: PSYC 001 and PSYC 025. Research Design and Analysis , or COGS 001 , or permission of instructor. Corequisite: Corequisite: PSYC 132. Perception Seminar. Natural sciences and engineering practicum. Lab required. 1 credit. Eligible for COGS Spring 2025. Durgin. Spring 2027. Durgin. Catalog chapter: Psychology Department website:
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