College Bulletin 2024-2025 
    Mar 31, 2025  
College Bulletin 2024-2025

RELG 053. Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in Islamic Discourses

An exploration of sexuality, gender roles, and notions of the body within the Islamic tradition from the formative period of Islam to the present. This course will examine the historical development of gendered and patriarchal readings of Islamic legal, historical, and scriptural texts. Particular attention will be given to both the premodern and modern strategies employed by women to subvert these exclusionary forms of interpretation and to ensure more egalitarian outcomes for themselves in the public sphere. Topics discussed include female piety, marriage and divorce, motherhood, polygamy, sex and desire, honor and shame, same-sex sexuality, and the role of women in the transmission of knowledge.
1 credit.
Eligible for ESCH, GSST, MDST
Fall 2024. al-Jamil.
Fall 2026. al-Jamil.
Catalog chapter: Religion  
Department website:

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