College Bulletin 2024-2025 
    Sep 11, 2024  
College Bulletin 2024-2025

SOCI 045C. Sociology of Capitalism

This class will provide students with an in-depth examination of capitalism and its logics and the impact that it has on their everyday lives. The first part of the class will provide an overview of the main ways in which sociologist approach the study of capitalism, focusing particularly on Max Weber and Karl Marx’s views of the origins of the capitalist system. After this, we will explore the inner logics of the capitalist system, learning not only how it works, but also tracing some of its main contradictions and why it regularly leads to economic and social crisis. The last part of the course will focus on the impact of capitalism on various aspects of our daily life, presently and in the future.
Social sciences.
1 credit.
Fall 2024. Rangel.
Catalog chapter: Sociology and Anthropology  
Department website:

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