College Bulletin 2014-2015 
    Sep 27, 2024  
College Bulletin 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search


Theater - Advanced Courses

  • THEA 099. Senior Company

    A workshop course emphasizing issues of collaborative play making across lines of specialization, ensemble development of performance projects, and the collective dynamics of forming the prototype of a theater company. Work with an audience in performance of a single project or a series of projects.

    This course is required of all theater majors in their senior year and can not be taken for external examination in the Honors Program. Class members will consult with the instructor during spring semester of their junior year, before registration, to organize and make preparations. Course and honors minors may petition to enroll, provided they have met the prerequisites.
    Prerequisites: THEA 001 , THEA 002A ; any course in design; THEA 015 ; THEA 006 , THEA 025 , or THEA 035 ; THEA 022 ; a 100-level seminar; and the completion of one three-course sequence in theater.
    Fulfills a general requirement for all theater majors and minors.
    1 credit.
    Fall 2014. Swanson.

    Access the class schedule to search for sections.

Theater - Seminars

  • THEA 102A. Acting Capstone

    By arrangment with the theater faculty.

    This project will take place over the course of two semesters. The fall semester will consist of a series of workshops and assignments designed to further develop the critical and practical skills required for performance. This preparatory work in the fall semester will be put to use in the spring through the production of a play or performed by the students and directed by the acting faculty.
    Fall 2014. Spring 2015. Torra.

    Access the class schedule to search for sections.

  • THEA 102B. Acting Capstone

    By arrangment with the theater faculty.

    This project will take place over the course of two semesters. The fall semester will consist of a series of workshops and assignments designed to further develop the critical and practical skills required for performance. This preparatory work in the fall semester will be put to use in the spring through the production of a play or performed by the students and directed by the acting faculty.
    Fall 2014. Spring 2015. Torra.

    Access the class schedule to search for sections.

  • THEA 106. Theater History Seminar

    A comparative study of theater history from its origins through the 21st century, along with a critical examination of a given theatrical company as a case study. Emphasis on the coherence of specific performance traditions and periods, significant companies as well as individual artists, the placement of theatrical performance within specific cultural contexts, and their relevance to contemporary theatrical practice. Readings will include, but not be limited to, dramatic texts as one form of artifact of the theatrical event. The spring 2015 seminar will focus on the work of Ariane Mnouchkine and the Théâtre du Soleil.
    Prerequisites: THEA 015 .
    Writing course.
    2 credits.
    Not offered 2014-2015.

    Access the class schedule to search for sections.

  • THEA 121. Dramaturgy Seminar

    How does a “monstre sacré” like Phaedra or Don Juan repeat across the centuries? What does Joe Orton owe to Wycherley and Ralph Roister Doister? In this cross-temporal comparative study of the post-classical western dramatic canon, emphasis will be placed equally on works from famous “periods” (Spanish Golden Age, Restoration comedy, French Classicism, Sturm und Drang, etc.) and on examples of forgotten or usurped genres-e.g., masque, melodrama, ballad opera, le parade, tragicomedy, Grand Guignol. Readings will also include critical texts by Castelvetro, Jonson, Boileau, Rousseau, Diderot, Dryden, Lessing, Schiller, Hegel, Hugo, Kierkegaard, Strindberg, Shaw, Nietzsche, and others.
    Prerequisites: THEA 001  or by permission of instructor.
    Writing course.
    Fulfills a general requirement for all theater majors and minors.
    2 credits.
    Spring 2015. Magruder.

    Access the class schedule to search for sections.


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