STAT 011. Statistical Methods I

This course prepares students to carry out basic statistical analyses using computer software. Topics include summary statistics and graphics, design of surveys and experiments, one and two-sample t-tests and tests of proportions, and an introduction to simple linear regression. The course is intended for students who want a practical introduction to statistical methods. Students may not receive credit for both Stat 011 and AP Statistics.
Note that the material of STAT 011 overlaps with ECON 031  , but these courses have different emphasis.
Prerequisite: Four years of traditional high school mathematics (precalculus) and placement into this course through Swarthmore's Math/Stat Readiness Examination. 
Natural science and engineering.
1 credit.
Fall 2023. Everson, Thornton, Wang
Spring 2024. Everson. Schofield.
Fall 2024. Staff.
Spring 2025. Staff.
Fall 2025. Staff.
Spring 2026. Staff.
Catalog chapter: Mathematics and Statistics  
Department website:

Access the class schedule to search for sections.

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