SOCI 035B. Anti-Capitalism, Revolution and Resistance in the "Third World"This class will introduce students to the long history of struggle in the so-called third world. We will read and analyze the various movements that have sought to resist and challenge the imposition of the oppressive systems of capitalism, colonialism and racialization. The aim of the class is to question the naturalization of these systems of oppression and to appreciate the many ways in which people have sought to resist and challenge their imposition. The class is framed from the perspective of the oppressed and presents as history from below. We will cover such themes as the resistance against the privatization of the commons; slave revolts; the Third World Movement; Socialism in Latin America and the Cuban Revolution. Social sciences. 1 credit. Catalog chapter: Sociology and Anthropology Department website: https://www.swarthmore.edu/sociology-anthropology
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