SPAN 025. Reading Borges: Labyrinths and Forking Paths

(Cross-listed as LITR 025S )
Embark on an engaging exploration of Jorge Luis Borges, widely regarded as the most influential writer of the 20th century. His impact on literature and science is unparalleled, with works that foreshadow key themes in literary theory and anticipate the advent of the Internet. Particularly resonant with scientists in computer science, mathematics, and physics, Borges's ideas on infinity, parallel universes, labyrinths, and forking paths continue to inspire
contemporary thought.

As a truly global author, Borges's short stories seamlessly blend influences from Latin America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and various belief systems, including Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. Discover the artful combination of theoretical concepts and aesthetic brilliance in Borges's works as you venture through the mind of a visionary writer who transcended cultural and linguistic boundaries.

This English-taught humanities course welcomes students from all academic disciplines, including those in STEM fields, and does not necessitate any prior literature or Spanish background.
1 credit.
Spring 2025. Martínez.
Spring 2027. Martínez.
Catalog chapter: Spanish  
Department website:

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