ENVS 132. Wildlife Conservation

Cross-listed with BIOL 132 
"We protect wildlife for many reasons. It is integral to the balance of nature. It is a source of inspiration. It nurtures a sense of wonder."  -World Wildlife Fund 


Students will explore the field of wildlife conservation in this course. The seminar will include 1) a student-driven discussion of primary literature, 2) hands-on experience about how to study wildlife in the Crum Woods, and 3) practice on how to use wildlife data to promote conservation initiatives. 
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: BIOL 002 or ENVS 001, and BIOL 036 or BIOL 037; or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite Intermediate Course successfully completed with a grade of B (3.0) or better.

Natural Sciences and Engineering.
1 credit.
Eligible for ENVS
Catalog chapter: Environmental Studies
Department website: https://www.swarthmore.edu/environmentalstudies



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