College Bulletin 2024-2025 
    Feb 16, 2025  
College Bulletin 2024-2025

PHIL 001P. Introduction to Philosophy: Reasoning and Living Well

Should we reason in a certain way? If so, why? The philosophers that we study in the course argue that reasoning correctly is connected to living well. In particular, they argue that critical thinking and the practice of making good arguments not only leads to true beliefs about the world, but also, is deeply connected to becoming better human beings and reducing suffering.

This course inquiries into what makes reasoning good or bad, the various ways of acquiring knowledge, and skeptical challenges to reason’s ability to arrive at compelling conclusions. It also reflects upon the relationship between reasoning, broadly conceived, and living a good and meaningful life. We will approach these questions through the lens of both contemporary and historical figures, with a focus on the contributions of pre-modern South Asian philosophers.

1 credit.
Eligible for ASIA
Catalog chapter: Philosophy 
Department website:

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