College Bulletin 2024-2025
BIOL 002. Organismal and Population Biology Introduction to the study of organisms emphasizing morphology, physiology, behavior, ecology, and evolution of whole organisms and populations.
BIOL 001 does not have to be taken before BIOL 002. These two courses may be taken in either order (non-sequentially) and are the foundation of further biological studies at Swarthmore. It is not uncommon for students to take BIOL 002 in spring of their first year and then BIOL 001 during the fall of their sophomore year after taking chemistry here at Swarthmore.
Natural sciences and engineering practicum. Writing course. One laboratory per week. 1 credit. Eligible for ENVS Spring 2025. Staff. Spring 2026. Staff. Spring 2027. Staff. Catalog chapter: Biology Department website:
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