College Bulletin 2024-2025 
    Sep 17, 2024  
College Bulletin 2024-2025

EDUC 014. Pedagogy and Power: An Introduction to Education

Schools are complex social institutions.  Within schools, inequalities can be maintained or challenged as children and educators negotiate the historical, political, social, and economic realities of the nation. This course explores major questions in educational policy, theory, and practice. Students read material from multiple disciplines, write, discuss, and complete fieldwork in area schools as an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of educational studies. EDUC 014 or the first-year seminar EDUC 014F, is required for students pursuing teacher certification.
Social sciences.
Writing course.
1 credit.
Eligible for ESCH.
Fall 2024. Staff.
Spring 2025. Staff.
Fall 2025. Staff.
Spring 2026. Staff.
Catalog chapter: Educational Studies  
Department website:

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