Mar 31, 2025
College Bulletin 2024-2025
PHYS 064. Techniques for Scientific Computation
An introduction to techniques in scientific computing used to visualize and analyze data such as plotting, curve fitting, solving equations, image analysis, monte carlo and numerical integration. Students will write programs in Python using commonly available scientific libraries.
This is a 0.5-credit course with priority given to majors in physics, astrophysics, or astronomy. There are no prerequisites although for most students it will build on the lab experience in Physics 7. It is open to first-year students, though expected to be typically taken concurrently with Physics 8 by second-year majors. The grading mode for this course is credit/no credit (CR/NC). Prerequisite: None 0.5 credit. (CR/NC) Spring 2025. Raithel. Spring 2026. Jacobs and Rivera. Spring 2027. Jacobs and Rivera. Catalog chapter: Physics and Astronomy Department website: http://www.swarthmore.edu/physics-astronomy
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