College Bulletin 2023-2024 
    Sep 18, 2024  
College Bulletin 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CHIN 012A. Advanced Chinese Conversation

This 0.5-credit course meets once a week for 75 minutes and concentrates on the further development of skills in speaking and listening through multimedia materials (including movies and clips). Students are required to read chosen texts (including Internet materials and short stories) and prepare assignments for the purpose of generating discussion in class. Moreover, students will write out skits or reports for oral presentation in Chinese before they present them in class. The class is conducted entirely in Chinese.
Prerequisite: CHIN 011  and/or CHIN 011A  or equivalent language skills.
0.5 credit.
Eligible for ASIA
Spring 2024. Wen.
Spring 2025. Wen.
Spring 2026. Wen.
Catalog chapter: Modern Languages and Literatures: Chinese  
Department website:

Access the class schedule to search for sections.