College Bulletin 2023-2024 
    Jun 28, 2024  
College Bulletin 2023-2024

CHIN 025. Contemporary Chinese Fiction: Mirror of Social Change (1949-2005)

(Cross-listed as LITR 025CH )
The purpose of this course is to introduce to students some fundamental questions underlying contemporary Chinese history through examining literary narratives created from Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong since 1949, mainly those written between the mid-1980s and the 1990s.  The selected stories and novels, the most representative and provocative, articulate the historical specificity of ideological dilemma and cultural dynamics, in the imaginary process of dealing with love, politics, sex, morality, economic reform, and feminist issues.  Through our textual analysis and discussion, the students will have a better understanding of contemporary Chinese society as well as new developments in literature. All lectures and discussions will be conducted in English, and all readings are in English translation, and no previous preparation in Chinese is required.  
1 credit.
Eligible for ASIA
Catalog chapter: Modern Languages and Literatures: Chinese  
Department website:

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