College Bulletin 2022-2023 
    Feb 08, 2025  
College Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

RELG 032. Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology

The God of the Bible and later Jewish and Christian literature is distinctively masculine, definitely male. Or is He? If we can point out places in traditional writings where God is nurturing, forgiving, and loving, does that mean that God is feminine, or female? This course examines feminist and queer writings about God, explores the tensions between feminist and queer theology, and seeks to stretch the limits of gendering-and sexing-the divine. Key themes include: gender; embodiment; masculinity; liberation; sexuality; feminist and queer theory.
1 credit.
Eligible for GSST, INTP
Catalog chapter: Religion  
Department website:

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