College Bulletin 2016-2017 
    Mar 11, 2025  
College Bulletin 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

LITR 013R. The Russian Novel: The Classic Tradition

(Cross-listed as RUSS 013 )
This course surveys the rise of the Russian novel during the nineteenth century. We will read works by Lemontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Our examination of the literary and rhetorical strategies of these authors will be grounded in an understanding of their cultural context. We will probe issues of Russia’s national identity, class system, and tendency toward authoritarianism during this paradoxical century of inertia and upheaval. As a writing course, polished academic writing and the process of revision is given particular emphasis.
Writing course.
1 credit.
Eligible for RUSS
Fall 2016. Staff.
Fall 2017. Staff.
Catalog chapter: Modern Languages and Literatures: Literatures in Translation  
Department website:

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